By Quiana Dickson (Kiki)

As I sit here on the farm, my co-farmer, Michael, forms crop beds for the fall and I type up some produce prices and harvesting records, I come to realize that my time here (being here all the time) is almost near the end.
I can’t help but remember those very, very long days of just harvesting and then making deliveries. I remember how tired I would be when I would climb into bed, just to get up the next day and do it all over again.

Over the course of this summer, I have learned more than I ever thought I could. From knowing when to harvest a specific crop to running the BCS (our walk behind tractor) and then how to fix it when it breaks.

Kiki and Hayly worked to fix the BCS tiller

Kiki and Hayly worked to fix the BCS tractor

I have also come to love the fruits and vegetables we have grown and the love the CSA members have for them as well. The most rewarding thing is when someone compliments us on a fruit or vegetable that they tasted and absolutely loved! That combined with all the small enjoyable moments of small dancing sessions or even water break sessions has made this entire summer worth it. My future definitely has agriculture in it because there is no way I can turn my back on everything I have learned and everything I have grown to enjoy.