I am Eric Gurklis. I am a first-year Environmental Resource Management student from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I have not always been interested in farming, but over the last couple years, I have volunteered at community gardens and had fun. Through working with the Student Farm, I hope to learn about practices and techniques of sustainable agriculture.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our classes have been held virtually. This experience has been full of learning and awkwardness. Communicating effectively is a challenge in face-to-face interactions but online it is even more difficult and important. I have recognized the importance of this and try to communicate effectively through virtual eye contact, not speaking over anyone, turning off your mic when you are not talking, and focused listening. As a class, I think we have become somewhat used to this platform and are adapting well.
I was surprised by the detail and amount of record-keeping that creating a small farm demands. I quickly realized that there is extensive planning required such as farm layout, crop rotations, marketing strategies, seed storage, harvest times, and many other factors. I had a general idea of how small farms operate but was pleasantly surprised by the intricacy of every element of a farm.
Unfortunately, we are unable to physically be on the farm; however, it has given me the opportunity to plan and develop a more extensive garden at my home. I am planning on developing three or four small raised beds for gardening in my backyard, various container gardens spread out through my yard, an herb and spice area, and areas for pollinator plants. We have gardened as a family in the past, but armed with new information and strange circumstances I am excited to expand and try new ideas. I am planting cucumbers, carrots, mesclun mix, lettuce mix, radishes, zucchini, heirloom tomatoes, hot pepper mix, and spinach. I am preparing seeds that will need transplanted and preparing the beds currently. I think expanding our garden will be a good way to get out of the house and relax.

Here is my map showing where I plan to plant the garden around my house this year.
Sustainable food systems are important to me because of the benefits the practice creates. The environment, communities, and farmers can all benefit. I hope that I can be a part of creating a sustainable future and know that working with the Student Farm will be a rewarding and informative experience.
Wish me luck, with my growing season!