Hello everyone! My name is Erin McDermott, and I am a new 2021 intern at the Student Farm. I am currently a junior studying Community, Environment, and Development in the Environmental Economics and Policy option, with a minor in Economics.
Growing up four blocks from the beach, I always felt a deep connection to the earth. I spent my summers swimming in the ocean practically every day. However, it wasn’t until I went vegan at 15 that my interest in environmentalism and sustainability began. My decision to go plant-based was due to viewing the horrors of factory farming animals, but it grew into a commitment to the planet as well. I do not know where I would be if I had never watched those factory farming documentaries (I recommend Cowspiracy!).
Not only did going vegan strengthen my love for the planet, but it pushed me to realize the significant role food plays in our lives. Food has the ability to build community through something as simple as sharing a meal together. However, food, or rather the lack of it, also has the power to pillage neighborhoods. Unfortunately, food is upheld in our economy as a commodity, rather than a human right, creating starvation, famine, and food deserts. The national food system is failing millions of people and radical changes are needed.
Distribution is one of the huge issues in the food system. There are people with excess throwing away massive amounts of food every year, and there are people starving to death. Food distribution is also a problem because with the government subsidizing corn, dairy, and meat, fruits and vegetables are costly making it difficult for low-income people to access healthy eating options. The Student Farm’s efforts to provide fresh produce to the Centre County community is creating incredible change in so many students’ lives. Working at the community level gives organizations, including the Student Farm, the power to truly improve the lives of so many.
The way the Student Farm is fighting food insecurity by providing access to affordable and healthy fruits and vegetables is incredibly inspiring. By interning this year, I hope to gain knowledge and experience with running a sustainable food system and to connect with the local community. I have no experience with farming, but I am so excited to get my hands dirty and grow in gratitude for the beautiful nature we have.
Although I have only been a part of the Student Farm for a few weeks, I feel my whole Penn State experience has changed. The community of passionate and kind people has made this school feel like more of a home for me. It is incredible to find like-minded people with such a strong interest in nurturing the planet and improving livelihoods. My only regret is that I did not get involved sooner. I can’t wait to create bonds with my fellow Student Farm members and grow in my knowledge of agriculture!