Hey y’all! My name is Vancie, and I am very excited to be a new intern at Penn State’s Student Farm! I am a freshman majoring in biological engineering. I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, but my family recently moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Because I grew up in a city, I rarely had the opportunity to interact with agriculture aside from some vegetable plants in my backyard. However, I really wanted to be a farmer! The picture to the right is of me dressing up as a farmer for career day in elementary school. My grandmother sewed an apron for me and my grandfather helped me find corn to show my class. I was usually quiet as a child, but on career day that year I felt pure joy talking to others about farming as I sat and peeled corn. My grandparents grew up on farms in Mississippi, so I had a connection there, but I also think I was drawn to farming because it involves caring for plants and the natural world, which were things I valued and appreciated as a child.
For example, I chose to become a vegetarian at age four out of respect for animals. I also loved exploring the wonders of nature from an early age. I was always out searching for something, if not amphibious creatures then rocks, seashells, or a particularly interesting leaf or acorn. I was always intrigued by the inner-workings of nature and eager to find at least one organism identified in my trusty guide book. When I went on dog walks with my parents, I’d take a bug-catcher or zip-lock bag to hold the specimens I found. At the beach, I turned an empty water bottle into a mini-ecosystem filled with sand, seawater, and clams.
I think this life-long love for the natural world has contributed to my passion for sustainable agriculture. To me, sustainable agriculture is all about respecting the land, genuinely caring for the natural world and what lives there, and preserving the earth for future generations. I also love showing my appreciation for the natural world and its creations, such as plants, when I cook. I try and handle the ingredients delicately, use all parts of a fruit or vegetable, and put love into the food I make for my friends and family. I am really looking forward to cooking with food from the Student Farm and giving my community members and fellow students fresh produce, so they, too, can cook for others with gratitude! I am especially looking forward to learning sustainable agricultural practices, so that I can further my mission of caring for and expressing my gratitude for the natural world.