Hi! My name Is Kaleena Czajkowski, and I am a sophomore at Penn State. I am part of the 2 and 2 program and have been at the Berks Commonwealth Campus, but I will be moving to State College this fall! I am studying agricultural science with a minor in horticulture. I have loved working outside since a young age. I had the opportunity to work at a local dairy farm near my home. I also had a seasonal job as a farmhand during the fall so I worked there and helped them sell pumpkins. They also had a Farm Fun summer camp where I got to work with kids and farm animals all summer, which are two of my favorite things.
When I started college, I still wasn’t sure of what I really wanted to do. The first semester was a battle between being a teacher or an agricultural major, and well… you can guess where I ended up. Since I have made the decision, I know I would not want to do anything else.
Right now I am not quite sure of the exact route I want to take, but who does? I have been trying to build my knowledge in as many different areas of agriculture possible. Since I live at home right now I have been able to work at the local dairy farm, and I have been able to work with cows every day which has been amazing. I actually got to help with a cow birth which was super cool. I have also been working with a family friend and have been able to do a great deal of beekeeping with him and build my knowledge of maintaining hives. At the Berks campus, they also have a small arboretum which has probably been my favorite job so far. I have been able to work with my boss who is also my professor for half of my classes, and he has taught me so much which has been amazing.
I am thrilled to be able to work at the Student Farm next fall semester and broaden my knowledge of growing and maintaining produce. What excites me the most about working with the Student Farm is seeing how everything runs. I hope to potentially have a profit on my future
property by growing and maintaining vegetables. This Student Farm gives such a sense of community which I love. State College is large but also very close-knit which I really like. Also, the Student Farm is very big on sustainability, and ever since I have chosen my major it has been a big part of my life and I am excited to learn more about how to be the most sustainable I can be. I am excited to see the other connections that the Student Farm has to offer. I look forward to working with more of my peers as well at the Student Farm. I have been lucky enough to work in fields where my coworkers are very knowledgeable in their field but are much older than me so it will be exciting to work with people my age. Here’s to continued growth!