Renowned consumer advocate, nutritionist, and award-winning author Marion Nestle will give a public talk on the politics of food industry marketing on April 2 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the HUB-Robeson Center’s Flex Theatre. 

Campus and community members are invited to attend this insightful in-person talk, with an opportunity for ongoing discussion and refreshments that will follow the in-person event. 

Nestle is the author, co-author, or co-editor of 15 books on food safety, food politics, and nutrition. Her blog, Food Politics, critically examines nutrition claims, industry-funded research, and the latest news in food and nutrition. Her research focuses on the scientific, economic, and social influences on food choices and health, with a particular emphasis on food industry marketing. 

Throughout her career, Nestle has received numerous awards and honors, including the Bard College Prison Initiative’s John Dewey Award for Distinguished Public Service, the National Public Health Hero award from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, the James Beard Foundation Leadership Award, and the Innovator of the Year Award from the United States Healthful Food Council. 

“The food we eat directly impacts our health and wellbeing. As industry has grown, we have lost authority over our own food choices and thus our wellness in relation to food,” said Sarah Landauer, AmeriCorps member and event planner of this screening.  

“Marion Nestle pushes back against corrupt food systems, advocates for increased control of our food choices, and empowers the public to reclaim our food. If you take interest in food, nutrition, health, and/or wellbeing, this is a lecture that is worth attending,” said Landauer. 

This event is sponsored by the Ross Student Farm’s Food Justice team, which is dedicated to challenging and transforming community food systems to create a more just and equitable future through engagement, education, and action-based initiatives.