RECAP: Lessons from 412 Food Rescue

RECAP: Lessons from 412 Food Rescue

On Tuesday, November 1st, Jen England joined us to discuss food waste, its impact on the environment, and how to divert this food to people who could use it. Jen is the Chief Operating Officer for 412 Food Rescue, an organization based out of Pittsburgh with a mission...
Ethiopian Spread Cooking Collab

Ethiopian Spread Cooking Collab

We are happy to announce that our first Cooking Collab of the semester is coming up soon, and it sounds delicious! Join us from 5:30-7:30 on February 22 to learn how to make an Ethiopian spread alongside farm friends.The menu of the night includes:Meser wat–a...
Seedling Care Guide

Seedling Care Guide

If you’d like more information about when to plant your seedlings, check out the article below. Thank you again for supporting the Student Farm Club. Happy gardening! More...