The Success of Leafy Greens in Sustainable Indoor Systems for PSU Dining Commons 

Project: The Success of Leafy Greens in Sustainable Indoor Systems for PSU Dining Commons 

Student: Izaiah Bokunewicz 

Major: Plant Science 

Semester: Spring 2017 

Project Supervisor: Rob Berghage 

Funding: PSU College of Ag Sciences and Department of Plant Sciences 

SDG: 15 – Life on Land and 12 – Responsible Consumption 


After participating in the Student Farm Club’s hydroponics project team, Izaiah became interested in finding a cost-efficient and delicious 5-variety lettuce mix to increase oncampus food production and season extension of Student Farm market sales to campus dining commons. He analyzed 20 different greens, measured the quality of growth (weight per week in grams) and conducted random taste tests (color, taste, texture) in dining halls to find the most preferred varieties.  

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